
Showing posts from December, 2017

....American Culture?

     With the rise of illegal immigration, Social Marxism for the sake of multiculturalism, and the evening-out of America. It should make an American stop and ponder the subtle, yet dire implications this will have long-term.     I'd like for us all to think about culture, and what does it mean, in America. For me, growing up a white male in 90's suburbia.  My "life experience", though definitely skewed due to gathering and receiving the information with my white privileged brain, painted a vivid illusion of what I believed American culture was. With age and fatherhood, I reshaped my idea of American culture. Let's see if my conclusion holds up.     For contrast, my belief of “American Culture” once held to be true went something like this;     As a child, it was pick-up football games, a new bike for Christmas, summer camping trips, and catching fireflies in the evening after supper.     When youth came screaming, I was all about the new girl withou