....American Culture?

     With the rise of illegal immigration, Social Marxism for the sake of multiculturalism, and the evening-out of America. It should make an American stop and ponder the subtle, yet dire implications this will have long-term.

    I'd like for us all to think about culture, and what does it mean, in America. For me, growing up a white male in 90's suburbia.  My "life experience", though definitely skewed due to gathering and receiving the information with my white privileged brain, painted a vivid illusion of what I believed American culture was. With age and fatherhood, I reshaped my idea of American culture. Let's see if my conclusion holds up.

    For contrast, my belief of “American Culture” once held to be true went something like this;

    As a child, it was pick-up football games, a new bike for Christmas, summer camping trips, and catching fireflies in the evening after supper.

    When youth came screaming, I was all about the new girl without braces, breaking curfew to test drive your buddy's new wheels, and running out of string to sew all my wild oats.

    Now I'm 34, with two kids, pondering the world in grayscale instead of "LIVING COLOR"....thanks for the memories NBC. What was I going to raise my kids to believe American culture was?

    So I took a good look around me. The area I live in is more ethnically diverse than at least half of the U.S, along with it being a major college state I had no issue finding ways to enrich my world perspective. I've been blessed to be a people person, so fact-finding and being charmingly nosey is just part of my southern ways. I admit watching and learning about different cultures has bettered me immensely. I see how immigrants bring their native culture with them and how America is better for it obviously. I mean think of the food options alone. I love how college kids are naturally able to dream big, just by living in America. The thing that scares me about both these groups is the self-involvedness of their world and national perspective. I hear spite, condemnation, materialism, ungratefulness, pathological nihilism and most frightening of all...bloodlust. But, when I push back a little with, "But, America has so much more opportunity and security than the rest of the world", sometimes I get for example, a kind of said in passing acknowledgment of, but yet still unappreciatively skimming over the fact, that America isn't a war zone, poverty-stricken or on the final stage of collapse after almost 250 years...like it's some easy feat. Ever notice that nonassimilated Immigrants and American college students think America is not all that great, both historically(due to slavery) and in principle/philosophy(since it came from white men), we just conveniently acquired(stole) our freedom through the exploitation of the world.

     They have no sense of what the American principals and values are that allowed their petulant snarkiness in the first place. So they instantly go for what could be better about America as it relates to their benefit. This is the train of thought I found consistently through open conversation. I saw this mainly among the younger generation, say 18-35. They believe that America is only about, Saturday night with the freedom of multiple choices for entertainment and career choice. These ideals are usually followed somewhere with the hope, or, more honestly a demand that America in general, becomes more accommodating in a custom fitted type of opportunity to be able to make more said money. Having my American culture minimized to the expectation for an easier financial path, mixed with materialism gone amuck, was depressing, to say the least.

     How was is it so easy for a pubescent view of America to manifest in its citizenry? Then, to only to have said citizenry distort it as their national culture, or at the minimum use their discontentment to paint these demands as a natural progression out of the dark age of the classical liberal social moral structure, that is 1776 America...left me in a daze.

Where to start!? What is American culture!? Where is its palpable location!?

      Well, first I'd like to tackle this desire or ability to "live it up" masquerading as culturally relevant. Since nowadays if you can't live large it's time to get pissed off at white people and the 1%.  Easily restated as, how is being able to go out and do stuff American? It isn't.  Back when believing I was an American simply because I got my shit done during the week, and earned myself BBQ/beer and football with the guys on Sunday, was tragic thinking, and ignorant.  Or, how about, "I'm living the American Dream because I got a 3br/2bath with a Lexus in the garage. Neither is what America is about. These are byproducts of America. It goes without saying that personal wealth or being able to be extravagant isn't culture. Let's hear you tell a Native American they have no culture because they were destitute by our standards.

     Now, for the custom fitting of America for its citizenry. As far as "freedom of results" superimposing itself on "Freedom of choice/opportunity", this is UN-American as well. This is how teens circa 2012 to today, view fair job opportunity and placement; "If you get a degree you earned a job"...end of story. There is now no responsibility on the student who chose computer programming as a degree field and didn't educate himself on 3 things beforehand;

    First, it is an extremely flooded market so you better come from a good school and/or have a 4.0 to get a job you deem fit.

    Secondly, everything you learn will mostly be outdated information by the time you graduate. Thus, you will spend hundreds more on certification courses post-grad.

    Finally, if you think a higher level degree will give way to more corporate opportunity and fluidity....you're sadly mistaken. If you get a Masters or become a PH. D, get ready to teach a course or go into research/development.

    Same in turn goes for the students, Ben Shapiro alludes too many times. You know, the ones who get Zir degree in Transgender dance theory. Then upon braving the new adult world, they find out that there is no demand for them...AT ALL. So now you've followed your passion for a career choice, assumed 200k in student debt, all because of this perverse idea that "you DESERVE to be whatever you want", is red, white and blue all the way. If there's no need for someone to choreograph a bear crawl identifying as a foxtrot, since cutting off his cha-cha, then America is transphobic and must create Neusch jobs to prove otherwise. We must all understand that America comes with no promise of personal opportunity, only the guarantee of the opportunity in essence.  To clarify further, in certain countries, depending on your status, is how high you will go. That is a limitation of natural opportunity and stifles human transcendence. Here in America if you can be ingenious and motivated, you'll usually get two-thirds to where you'd dream to be.

    I ask you, can you hear it? You can if you dial into a Bernie rally. The sounds of all the C students, basement video game geniuses, and head in the cloud leftist saying "if America was less _________”, everyone could do what they love, man!!! This is the anthem of half-ass(ers), the entitled youth and many good-hearted folks that just didn't catch their big break. Hate to tell you, the formula for success is work ethic fluctuating in and out with luck of the draw…. this is life. So I have little compassion for you while you complain about your bachelor's degree meaning "dick", over craft beer, while children are born into caste systems and starvation, and still feeling oh so entitled, despite you not having the X-factor and lacking substantive quality to be something truly important to yourself, and/or, others/society.

     There it is people! Having an easy ride into a $100k dream job and being able to do many affordable things is American Culture. Sounds kinda self-serving, doesn't it? Maybe lacking a little chutzpah for what is the City on the Hill? This is what lit the beacon of freedom around the world? I think not!

    Looking into my newborn son's eyes the day he arrived, was a very significant day for me. You see my daughter is almost 10 years older then he is, a lot has changed since then. Mostly in me, I suppose. I don't dream for my son like I did my daughter. I had the believer-itis back then. I believed she could climb the tallest mountain if she wanted it bad enough. With my son I just want him to still have a chance to climb mountains when it's his turn. My fatherly spirit of aspiration for my children has turned to a frantic sense for the preservation of opportunity. I don't have a good feeling about what America looks like when they graduate in 2027 & '35. By then, Sweden will be a third world country ranked somewhere around #45 due to unbridled immigration policy. A major conflict the likes that my generation has ever before witnessed looms in the background, all to combat religious radicalism in the 21st century...But optimistically looking toward the future...I bet the "universal medicine" triage line for suicide bombing wounds is no doubt short and swift, and Michelle Obama has probably been President once by now...(shivers).  I digress.

American Culture...what is it!? Let me start again, with a short parable.

    A female child is born in China. This alone is a miracle...She knows nothing of the outside world. All she knows is what the Republic of China and her loved ones tell her. If they want to survive, the more alike the two sets of info are, the longer you'll live. In this case, her family is closeted Christians. She grows up hiding her faith, lying about her idea of salvation and worshiping in secret. All this, now, teenage girl wants to do is shed her worldly possessions and gospel in the name of Christ her Lord. But the opportunity afforded to her by her loving government would sooner slit its own throat, or hers, then allow this.

Let me follow this with another funny story.

    The Guardian reported in their piece called "Life in North Korea - the adult years ", "The most prestigious careers are; party, military, diplomatic and academic placements, and the likelihood of getting one of these depends on having good songbun and being well connected. Without these, you may as well give up. For instance, if your grandfather was a professor at a Japanese university or a communist from a non-Kim Il-sung faction you can forget about building a reputable career".

    So I'm sorry here in the States that your PH. D. in gender studies didn't hold water so you're pissed. Meanwhile, little Kwon, 15yrs old, with an IQ of 140 and a bad bloodline, reads a contraband copy of "1000 leagues under the sea" he keeps hidden in the floorboards. He dreams vividly when he's off work from the textile plant in NorKo, of one day, being able to study aquatic engineering.

    So I ask you....what is the little girl and Kwon coming to America for? What is it that draws the huddled masses? If you’re not sure, I’ll tell you..... it's most likely not ladies night at Henderson Tap House. More so, I'm almost willing to put it all on the line that Kwon isn't trekking through authoritarian woods to help rally Jerry's "Boyz" to a losing record at the "Death Star". No, It's the same thing I hope to still be tangible and available for my son and daughter in their coming years to independence...their true culture...FREEDOM.

    Pretty simplistic, eh? Almost sorry you read this far just for that. I get it. Pretty dull right? I know wealth and vanity has more BLING to it. But, I don’t think the Left would like having “American Culture” be likened to the “life and styles” of Donald Trump.

    You must realize, Freedom, this is our culture, my friends. Think about it. Are we not the only nation ever conceived with its chief attribute being harsh and perpetual skepticism of authority? Is 1969 Thomas J. in his tie-dyed Gadsden flag T-shirt, not burning a doobie while flipping off "the man" at every opportunity?

    What about Abigail Adams. Do you not see her burning bras in '68 with the matriarchal lineage of your family? Well, she did write letters trying to sway her husbands' ideas on women's rights during his time at the Continental Congress. She tried to convince John Adams to include women’s rights in the new documents of independence.

    What you people....that's right...you people....need to understand is, the freedom you seek through gutting America with nihilism and socialism... you already have it. Please don't be so short-sighted and naive to think that you will be able to transform America for "the better" with a  stroke of a pen or the casting of a ballot. Look at history. The only reason the civil rights bill(s) passed and forced integration worked, well.... besides the Democrats not getting their way, is the fact most of America didn't give two shits about being around black folks. Black rights had been giving people emotional tired head and social heartburn for decades. So a word of advice to you bunch of whiny Societal Marxist, you won't inspire reform of any significance if it's not in line with American values.  Not everything in the world is in line with optimizing freedom in the American Tradition.

    Also, a credit to America able to generate freedoms that are scarce in a world perspective is the expediting of gay marriage rights. In comparison, the Black rights issue had been a topic as early as 1778. How long have gay rights been a thing really? I'll tell you. The year was 1974 and his name was Harvey Milk. It took blacks almost 200 years to gain equal footing. The rainbow express pulled in the freedom station in just under 50, is this not a win for American values of individualism?  Sadly some think Obama did it with an executive order and not that it was allowed to happen through the constitutional ideals of ethics and protections in an American Supreme Court justice system. Millennials would mostly agree that marriage equality had been possible to do overnight for decades and America is late to the party. Oddly all the "moderate" Islamic nations didn't even RSVP, but they did send a present with no card(typical)...I wouldn't open it if I was you.

    So this is kinda the end, by going back to the start. The modern American is desensitized to their own Liberty. The materialism manifested for the “right” to have more cash on hand, or the delusion of equal results being portrayed as America’s next liberation has to come from somewhere! It's simple.....Freedom; that's where this all these bad notions of America comes from. It's because of the reliability and attrition of this United States, to make it possible for such selfishness to even be stapled to your culture.  It's freedom that allowed benefit from opportunity to even be seeded here in the first place. Ask Kwon how many cultural 'Tree of Liberty" saplings there are in Pyongyang. Ask the little Chinese girl if she’d trade fireworks, paper dragons and the steamed dumpling for a First Amendment.

Please don't try and retool what freedom TRULY is. Just reapply yours and be grateful for the ability.

    Finally, I offer first this simple comparison to just bring it home; You get home from work, totally beat and starving. You go to the fridge and you're met with limited choices and all include maximum effort on your part. So you go to a large multi-option buffet. You eat what you like, but don't get to try everything. Upon exiting the restaurant the classic American like my great-grandfather would feel blessed to be able to have more options and opportunity than he was first met with. The modern American when departing the buffet, are upset they spent $15 and didn't have the room to eat more and then shovel down 2 soft serves, so they find something to bitch to the manager about in order to get free stuff to subsidize their plight for more more more.

    So to my nonbinary friends in the Che Guevara T-shirts, looking so disenchanted on average because of your delusions of everything-ness is falling short of reality, please know you will destroy our nation. Just take this to heart ill, ya?  When you're generic degree laced with no personal ambition flashes in the pan, remember Kwon. When you're begging daddy government to become God, remember what happened to the little Chinese girls God. When you're upset about trans rights in America, don't lose your worldly objectivity and appreciation in the face of Iran having a 50-foot building or some heavy-duty gravel waiting for you as your welcoming fanfare when on holiday from oppressive America. I bet they don't even try to get to know what a wonderful person you are and how much your mama is proud of your courage.  Furthermore, when you're fed up, remember you're only fed up due to the abundant opportunity encompassing your society. Without that, you have no context to be pissed off over anything. So before my babies grow up with soft kill Marxism and a philosophy of guarantees parading as American exceptionalism, mostly, remember this, for individual freedom to become the pillars your house of aspirations is built, they must stay completely intact with constitutional values and American culture manifested through civic duty.  If you remove any pillar, or makeshift it with other values; the house will sag… then the foundation cracks and collapses…followed by the basement flooding and knocking out the pilot light........and I'm not going down there in the dark with you pinko bastards!
