Plato's "The Cave" but about Leftist

        You are in a room, tied to a chair. Nothing visible but the wall in front of you. Behind you, a man....let's say with a Nazi accent, better yet a whooooole Nazi. I mean who doesn't love a Nazis antagonist, right? The Nazi, he is standing next to a projector. On the wall, he projects the images of what he says... "iz ze world around zu", Zis you must unzerstand, before znything elz." So you sit there and you watch over and over again, "Blue Planet". One catch though. Its only the episodes on mountains and prairies. So, you forcible learn and test and memorize this vast, but unbeknownst to you, very limited view of the world. Then one day. A figure emerges from the door to your right, it's Capt Kick-Ass!!! She runs over to avenge you!! The Nazi easily picks up her 120lbs, XX chromosome body, and slams it on the pavement of irrational feminism. Good thing Corporal Patriarchy, a share-cropper from Ottumwa, IA was there! He overtakes the measly, evil Nazi and ensures your freedom. You get up and head towards to door to your right. Worried now, you don't have shoes against the cold and harsh landscape of the Rockies. Nor do you own jeans so not to be tormented by the thistles and brambles trekking through the Llano Estacado, but the Corporal said you'd be fine, you don't need them. All of a sudden the Nazi gathers strength enough to fire a lethal blow to the poor farm boy, who had so much more life to live. After you gather yourself and promising to tell Susie in Blakesburg, her hayseed "G.I Joe" will always lover her, you go to the door and open it. You cant believe your eyes, You don't know how to feel. Mentally prepared for coyotes and extremely cold, sharp rocks, you find yourself met with......VAST ocean. What is this, you panic!!! Your mind is reeling. You have no concept of what to do with all this water. You cant don't even know what that is! In your frantic state, you run back into the room. You start shaking the Nazi to revive him. Since he was the one who lied to you, he must know the truth of this ultramarine liquid. But.....alas....he is dead, never to be heil'ed of again. Now you're exhausted from trying to revive him and are a quivering hysterical mass on the floor. With all the bewilderment and deception, you find yourself in a weird position, longing for the familiar. Missing the Nazi and longing for scenes of breathtaking snow-capped peaks and the endless big country sky is now instinctual. You can almost feel the knots he lovingly bound you with. More so, you can't...correction!... you won't allow the info you now know to truly impact you. The facts, the tangible, the undeniably apparent mustn't taint the projector or projectionist. If one is untrue all can now be questioned. So from the anxiety you stroke out and die. Had to end the story somehow, right? She said she couldn't swim!!! So as her creator I determined her life unviable inside the womb, I mean room, and aborted.
The parable is Plato's "The Cave" and the boiled down summation of both his original and my above bastardization of his concept is simply a mental illustration of Cognitive dissonance. By definition, Cognitive dissonance " the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs...". In this allegory, the powers-at-be showed you only one side and conditioned you to believe only what they wanted. They tricked you to believe a half truth encompassed the entire reality. To their credit(will The Left let me give credit to an imaginary Nazi?), it does have mountains and great plains, this much is fact, but they still told you scientifically that the earth had no dessert or ocean or forest.
O'well. That's the game, isolate you, give you enough truth to gain credibility, then together cry LIAR at the ocean. So when I tell you that the Progressive sect of The Left in D.C, is using you in a soft Marxist power grab over the truth of information, for indoctrination there of.....don't be so cognitively dissonant....the real Nazis and social engineers are conditioning you and your beta-male friend in the unicorn outfit over there, not me.


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